Friday, June 20, 2014

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - June 2014

I'm late in posting my June Bloom Day photos due to being away the past week, but I still wanted to post pictures of my recent blooms.  Better late than never, I guess.

The crepe myrtles are in full bloom right now.  We have two light pink ones that are on both sides of the front of the house, and one bright pink one in the backyard.

The vitex that was planted in the front rock bed has blossomed with pretty purple spires that will hopefully attract the butterflies and bees.

The yellow oleanders that I planted last springs have bloomed for the first time.  I was beginning to worry the the soil composition was preventing it from blooming, but turns out, all is good.

The lantana are growing like crazy right now.  They absolutely love the Texas heat and do great with little to no water.  I've added a couple new varieties to the front rock gardens this year, including a yellow as well as a bright red and orange variety.

The marigolds continue to bloom like crazy in the veggie beds, adding a nice pop of color.  They have had constant blooms since early spring and will continue to bloom through the fall.

There are several flowers blooming in the bulb beds right now, include black-eyed susans, gladiolas,  canna lilies, dahlias, and daylilies.


Thanks to Carol over at May Dreams Gardens for hosting Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day.  Check out her site to see more gardener's Bloom Days.

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